Saturday 18 June 2011

Scientific Fame

I read about the Darwin scale of scientific fame. Here are some names, sorted in order of fame:

  1. God - 286 Darwins
  2. Jesus Christ - 14 Darwins
  3. Allah - 9 Darwins
  4. Mohammed - 4 Darwins
  5. Albert Einstein - 1 Darwin
  6. Charles Darwin - 1 Darwin
  7. Leonidas - 571 Millidarwins
  8. The Doctor - 571 Millidarwins
  9. Marie Curie - 285 Millidarwins
  10. Stephen Hawking - 171 Millidarwins
  11. Alan Turing - 114 Millidarwins
  12. Osama bin Laden - 46 Millidarwins
  13. Brian Cox - 22 Millidarwins
  14. Britney Spears - 12 Millidarwins
  15. Stephen Wolfram - 9 Millidarwins
  16. Russ Johnson - 1 Millidarwin
Russ Johnson was born in the 2130s.


'nuff said

Current Events Part Alpha


Phew... now that I have got that out of my system, now to describe some current events.

Apparently, it turns out that dutch astronomers have discovered a new star. But this is no ordinary star, this is a star that shoots bullets of water!

What happens inside the star is simple, just atoms bonding together. This is what happened to the star to get the water bullets:
  1. H (Hydrogen) + H = D (Deuterium, or "Heavy Hydrogen") 
  2. D + H = He (Helium)
  3. He + He = Be (Beryllium)
  4. (At this point, you may hear a noise. That noise is Patrick squealing in pants-wetting joy)
  5. Be + He = C (Carbon, aka Coal and Diamonds)
  6. C + He = O (Oxygen)
  7. O + H = H2O (Water)
The water then is shot off into space. Hooray, super water space bullets!





PS: Doing some Wolfram-Fu, I worked out the total amount of energy spent on moving the water to be 3.38×1017 joules. That's 3,761 metric tons of antimatter. Per second.