Monday 20 June 2011

Updating Phrases for Our Modern Day

Because our phrases are getting old fashioned, I will update them so they are still relevant:

A watched pot never boils > A watched proton never decays
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link > A long-chain hydrocarbon is only as strong as its weakest bond
A dog is a man's best friend > The machines that do everything are man's best friend
A fish rots from the head down > A fish rots from the guts outwards
A picture is worth a thousand words > A 128x128 .png file created using microsoft paint uses up the same amount of space on a hard drive, and so encodes the same amount of information as 534 characters generated by notepad.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away > Not taking homeopathic treatments (that don't work) can keep the doctor away, short of an accident such as a car crash
Never look at a gift horse in the mouth > Always look at gift horses in the mouth, lest they carry an explosive planted by James.


Some More Comics

See title.
James' Routine
Political Cartoons for Dummies
Christians vs Atheists I
--Thomas Jones

Psycological Profiles

Request one by commenting on it in facebook or on here.
Patrick Seargent
Elliot Aspery
James Mott
Joseph Hampton
Matty Curran
Thomas Jones
Sheraiz Ali
Lil Wayne (Request by Sheraiz)

--Thomas Jones

Facebook Likes + Me = This

psychological fact #77
the crusty stuff you get in the corner of your eyes when you wake up is remnant of your dreams.
the color tells about how your dreams were.
yellow means you dreamt about love.
brown means you dreamt about death.
green means you dreamt about wealth.
colorless means you dreamt about fame.
black means you dreamt about nothing.

Where to even start on complaining reviewing?
"psychological fact #77"
 #77? Where is #76? Or #79? Where can I find this database of psychological facts?
"the crusty stuff you get up in the corner of your eyes when you wake up is remnant of your dreams"
 Dreams are just electricity going around in your brain pretending you are somewhere else, whilst you are paralyzed and so unable to move. How does that affect rheum production at all? It's just made of mucin (some protein), and skin cells and dust!
"the color tells you about how your dreams were"
You spelt (correct word, look it up) 'colour' wrong. Also, does protein know how to interpret neurological electric signals? If so, why aren't we using it for airport security! Imagine the benefits of a passport that changes colour when someone is planning on doing terrorism!
"yellow means you dreame..." [snip] "...out nothing"
As you can see, these skin cells/proteins/dust has pigments which are told by the protein what you are thinking about, then use an organised union thingy to determine which pigments they should use.

"Artist's" Rendering