Tuesday 11 March 2014

XKCD Sucks Sucks

Here, I will rebut every single point XKCD Sucks makes that I disagree with. Hopefully, you will see that website for what it is: someone who doesn't understand humour trying desperately to pretend that they do.

First up, their most recent post.

  • 1272: The joke isn't that facts about shadows exist. The joke is that there was a horse in LoTR called Shadowfax, who says facts about shadows. Only a single example of a shadow fact is needed to establish this. Any more shadow facts, and it would cease to be funny. D
  • 1273: No, it's funny because real infographics are sometimes shitty, and that is an example of one of the shittiest infographics. It also provides commentary on the uselessness of infographics as a medium of communication. F
  • 1275: What's so "LOLRANDUM" about it? It's funny because of the absurdity: clearly, in real life, nobody would go to those lengths to avoid using the number "3". E
  • 1276: This isn't a shitty infographic. It's a non-shitty infographic. U
  • 1277: That's just a pun used in the title, not the content of the joke. The real joke is that Randall Munroe believes that Ayn Rand's ideas are absurd, to the point of being comparable to some numbers being "intrinsically better". D
  • 1278: You really got XKCD there! I bet that Munroe will stop making comments when he reads your detailed dissertation on why you believe this comic is inferior.
  • 1279: Well, you've correctly identified what literally 68% of comedy is. It's progress, I suppose.
  • 1280: See counter-review for comic 1278. Nobody cares if you care, since I care and other people care. Funny aspects of Mundroe's persona's life, are, in fact, funny. Hard to comprehend, I know.
  • 1281: It suggests that Lego people are a significant threat to humanity. Lego people are not a significant threat to humanity. Therein lies the remaining 32% of humour.

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