Friday 17 June 2011


Short Answer:
The-world-ends-in-2012 is one hun-der-ed percent bullshit.

Long Answer:
First, see the short answer.

So where did this 2012 myth come from anyway? Blame the Mayans. Basically, the Mayans had this calender system called the Long Count. It had various units of time in it:
  • The winal, equal to 20 days
  • The tun, equal to 360 days (1 year)
  • The K'atun, equal to 7 200 days (20 years)
  • And the B'ak'tun, equal to 144 000 days (394 years)
It the bottom one the 2012 theorists are usinging.

See, it turns out that we are in the 13th B'ak'tun since the mayan calender started. This B'ak'tun will end in 2012, so that's where the conspiracy theorists get their 'theories' from.

Don't know if there is anything significant about the number 13, but the world did not end in September 9 1618. And it won't end on March 17, 2407 either.


EDIT: Forgot the k'in, which is equal to one day.

EDITPS: Turns out the Mayan calendar resets every 13 B'ak'tun. Although I didn't see anything happen on August 11, 3114 BCE, so my argument still stands.

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