Friday 6 December 2013

Kerbal Diaries: Tower

Jebediah: I have a dream!

Bob: Is it the one about all the clans being judged by the content of their character and not their second name again? Because we fixed that problem about 150 years ago when we unified Kerbin.

Jebediah: No, this one's different. I dreamt that I was walking on Minmus.

Bob: So something that's impossible.

Jebediah: So I've decided to start a space program!

Bob: How, exactly, are you going to reach space?

Jedediah: Well, you know towers?

Bob: Jeb, that's not going to work.

Jebediah: Well, if I can make one high enough, I'll reach space, right.

Bob: There's no way the city planning authorities are cool with this.

Jebediah: You'd be surprised what you can get a permit for.

Jebediah: Alright, I'm pretty high up here. By my estimation, I'm about 10 m closer to space.

Bob: That's not very far.

Jebediah: You're right. The ground looks too close for me to have a chance of spaceflight. I'm going to need to build taller.

Jebediah: I'll just hop down. I have a plan.

Bob: Please don't say that it involves a bigger tower.

Jebediah: It involves a bigger tower.

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